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Hey as you all know my name is Ewa, I am a student at LaGuardia Community College who is hopefully graduating this December. My major is Liberal Arts Humanities/ Social Sciences. This blog will be environmentally orientated, so by the end of this school semester I predict I will learn different ways on how to save the energy and our beloved planet Earth.

Monday, October 13, 2008


My biggest concern for the environment is the melting of glaciers. Glaciers are when snow falls in certain mountain areas, it builds up and it is converted to ice, as it builds up the pressure from the ice pushes down toward lower altitudes and that is a simple way of explaining on what is a glacier.

But, the glaciers are melting very rapidly. The drinking water might be gone in a very short period of time and we don’t even realize it. They are melting away and the loss of water is at its highest. Of course lest not forget because it is caused by global warming and higher than average temperatures which cause the ice to melt. The melting of glaciers causes the sea levels to rise and destroys the natural storage of water.

Moreover, the solution to stop the melting of glaciers is to reduce the levels of disposing the fossil fuels and invest more money into renewable energy. Something interesting that I heard was on the Polish news this morning, China is trying out this new plan. One day of the week cars with certain numbers on the registration plates can’t ride their car. Maybe this solution will not help as much but if very country would start doing it, then the positive results for the environment would flow in more rapidly. Another solution to the problem is if the world nations would have more restrictions on how much of greenhouse gasses could be released into the atmosphere.

I got my information from these websities:

This is a very interesting video (an interview with prof. Michael Oppenheimer):


Doctor X said...

Good solutions, but somewhat general. What are some types of renewable energy? How feasible is it that we will adopt them?

And who is Dr. Oppenheimer? (You need to give us some background on him).

Nida said...

I have similar concerns as you about the environment. Yes, drinking water shortage is definitely an issue. Chain's plan has been out for a while and it probably does help since there would be less pollution form the cars.We need to use public transportattion more often to help the envirronment.

abc123 said...

I have the same concerns as you. It seems as if this is the root of all that is happening right now. Melting leads to flooding leads to severe weather, etc.

VIVIANA said...

Hiii how r u? I think water is reallllyyy important! With no water there’s definitely no way we can live! I agree when you said “The drinking water might be gone in a very short period of time and we don’t even realize it.” …Yes some of us simply think that it is not a bog issue! Animals, humans, plants everything need water!!! It’s really sad to see how the glaciers are melting in a much accelerated way! Also… I think that even though as you said on your blog that China is trying out a new plan, maybe it is not the best and will not solve the problem, but maybe it will… and we can do the same thing as well!!